TV sponsorship
NZZ Format / NZZ Standpunkte
425 000 gross contacts per broadcast
Weekly NZZ TV documentary as a platform for sponsors: «NZZ Format» is a watchable version of «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» available every week on SRF and 3sat as well as on nzz.ch/video/format. Advertisers can reach a total of around 425 000 gross contacts per programme with advertising spots – at the beginning, twice briefly during and at the end of each broadcast. The two billboards for opener and closer are 10 seconds long at the most, the two logo ads during the programme are 5 seconds long at the most. Recently, we have integrated you twice via billboard into the programme trailer of the corresponding programme (no moving image, max. 5 seconds). Rates on request.
153 000 gross contacts per broadcast
Monthly NZZ TV discussion programme as a platform for sponsors: «NZZ Standpunkte» is a watchable version of «Neue Zürcher Zeitung», broadcast eleven times a year on SRF. Advertisers can reach a total of about 153 000 gross contacts per programme with advertising spots – at the beginning, twice briefly during and at the end of each broadcast. The two billboards for opener and closer are 10 seconds long at the most, the two logo ads during the programme are 5 seconds long at the most. Rates on request.
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