Cheers & Chatter until well after midnight – a very British Party!

On 4 September, audienzz and NZZone invited their customers and partners to the legendary Summer End Party. Although the weather was changeable, in keeping with the British theme, the atmosphere in the Riithalle was cheerful and «well-watered» in all senses of the word.

Rush of guests despite the rain

The slight worry lines of our organisers quickly turned back into beaming faces as many guests gathered shortly after 6 pm, right on time for the start. Cleverly thinking ahead, our crew had arranged sufficient shelter in the courtyard of Zurich’s Riithalle restaurant to protect us from the rain which made its presence felt at the beginning of the evening. Although the weather became drier by the hour, the same couldn’t be said of the guests and their partners.

Culinary journey through the United Kingdom

The legendary Summer End Party – jointly organised by audienzz and NZZone for the second time – took «Cheers & Chatter» as its theme this year and was planned as «a very British party», including the decorations and design. In their welcome address Remo Baumeler (audienzz) and Adrian Näf (NZZone) alluded to this on behalf of the hosts. The programme included:

  • snacks, beers, drinks, shots…
  • food stalls with British food
  • a pub-style picnic area
  • floor-show with Spice Girls playback
  • horse racing with attractive prizes
  • «Dancefloor & more» from 10 pm.

Chilled atmosphere and sociable exchange

Guests were able to savour some of the UK’s classic foods: loaded chips, pies, fish & chips, bangers & mash as well burgers. The latter were available until midnight. Finger food beforehand and the dessert buffet afterwards were, of course, also typical of the UK. Well-known UK drinks such as Guinness, gin and tonic, Pimm’s and whiskey sours were also available. The traditional minibar with its shots was also a must.

But what the guests appreciated most was the chilled-out atmosphere which really invited them to «cheers & chatter» and encouraged them to socialise. Old friendships were renewed, new acquaintances made and everyone simply had a good time with plenty of chat and a drink or two. Because although the weather showed its changeable side in keeping with the British theme, the atmosphere in the Riithalle went up as the drinks went down – and continued until well after midnight.

Would you like to see more impressions? Click here for the picture gallery.

Norman Bandi
Head of NZZ Content Creation

+41 44 258 13 21

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