Information on inserts and guidelines for printers
General information
Brochures are inserted by machine. Misscattering, incorrect assignments and double assignments of approx. 2% are customary in the industry. If inserts fall out of the newspapers during delivery or for technical reasons, or if the cleanliness is affected by the insertion process, there is no entitlement to a price reduction or compensation. Excess inserts will be discarded unless otherwise noted. Incorrect delivery may result in additional costs.
Unless otherwise agreed, third-party advertisements in brochure inserts will be invoiced. We charge a flat rate of 20% of the price of a four-colour advertisement page per third-party advertisement (in addition to the insertion costs) (irrespective of the size and colour of the third-party advertisement).
In addition, our terms and conditions apply.
Guidelines for integration in the e-paper
- PDF with individual pages in high resolution
- Without crop marks
- Delivery no later than five working days before publication via
Neue Zürcher Zeitung and NZZ am Sonntag
Copies to be
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (MON-FRI)
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (SAT)
NZZ am Sonntag
Total print run
61 000
71 000
90 000
Region/City Zurich
36 000
39 000
City of Zurich
18 000
20 000
Please send six binding sample copies three weeks before publication:
Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG
Pascal Krattinger
Falkenstrasse 11
8021 Zürich
Franco domicile, at no cost to us, stacked on EURO pallets in equal layers:
DZZ Druckzentrum Zürich AG
Anlieferung & Beschaffung
Tor 18
Bubenbergstrasse 1
8045 Zürich
Receipt of goods: Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
(no earlier than 1 week, no later than 4 working days before the insertion date)
The goods receiving department closes at 12:00 a.m. before public holidays.
Furthermore, the technical specifications of the DZZ Druckzentrum Zürich must be observed.
NZZ Folio, NZZ am Sonntag Magazin and Residence
Copies to be delivered:
NZZ Folio
NZZ am Sonntag Magazin
84 000 copies
90 000 copies
90 000 copies
NZZ Folio
NZZ am Sonntag Magazin
Minimum format: 105 x 148 mm
Minimum format: 105 x 148 mm
Minimum format: 105 x 148 mm
Minimum format: 185 x 265 mm
Minimum format: 190 x 210 mm
Minimum format: 220 x 285 mm
Please send six binding sample copies when placing your order:
Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG
Pascal Krattinger
Falkenstrasse 11
PO box
8021 Zürich
Franco domicile, without any costs for us and the print shop, stacked on EURO pallets in equal layers:
Firmengruppe APPL
Werk Freising
Angerstrasse 54
85354 Freising (Germany)
Contact person: Mr. Radlmeier, Phone: 0049 8161187-22
Receipt of goods: Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
(Exception public holidays -> no delivery possible!)
Important: Advise insert delivery 24 hours in advance to
Furthermore, the technical specifications of appl druck GmbH must be observed.
Delivery period:
NZZ Folio
NZZ am Sonntag Magazin
12 to 10 working days before publication
12 to 10 working days before publication
12 to 10 working days before publication
NZZ Geschichte
Copies to be delivered:
17 000 copies
Minimum format: 100 x 120 mm
Maximum format: 140 x 210 mm
Please send six binding sample copies when placing your order:
Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG
Pascal Krattinger
Falkenstrasse 11
PO box
8021 Zürich
Franco domicile, at no cost to us, stacked on EURO pallets in equal layers:
Multicolor Print AG
Sihlbruggstrasse 105a
6341 Baar
Receipt of goods: Monday – Friday from 6:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Delivery: 20 to 15 working days before publication.
Furthermore the technical specifications of Multicolor Print AG must be observed.
Le Temps
Copies to be delivered:
Le Temps (MON-FRI)
Split Vaud
Split Geneva
Le Temps (SAT)
Split abo
Split kiosk
22 000 copies
9 000 copies
7 000 copies
27 000 copies
20 000 copies
7 000 copies
Please send three binding sample copies three weeks before publication:
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Laurent Monnier
Route de Lully 5C
1131 Tolochenaz
Franco domicile, at no cost to us, stacked on EURO pallets in equal layers:
DZB Druckzentrum Bern AG
Warenumschlag Spedition
Zentweg 7
3006 Bern
Receipt of goods: Monday – Thursday from 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
(no earlier than 4 working days, no later than 2 working days before the insertion date)
Furthermore, the technical specifications of Druckzentrum Bern must be observed.
T magazine
Copies to be delivered:
27 000 copies
Minimum format: 105 x 148 mm
Maximum format: 185 x 265 mm
Please send six binding sample copies when placing your order:
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Laurent Monnier
Route de Lully 5C
1131 Tolochenaz
Franco domicile, at no cost to us, stacked on EURO pallets in equal layers:
Stämpfli AG
Wölflistrasse 1
3001 Bern
Receipt of goods: Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
(Exception public holidays -> no delivery possible!)
Important: Advise insert delivery 24 hours in advance.
Furthermore, the technical specifications of Stämpfli AG must be observed.
Delivery period:
10 working days before publication
Corriere del Ticino and La Domenica
Copies to be delivered:
Corriere del Ticino
La Domenica
28 000 copies
37 000 copies
Minimum format: 148 x 105 mm (A6)
Maximum format: 315 x 235 mm
Folding types:

Please send six copies 3 weeks prior to publication, noting customer and publication date:
Centro Stampa Ticino SA,
Paolo Geninasca
Via Industria
6933 Muzzano
Franco domicile, at no cost to us, stacked on EURO pallets in equal layers:
Centro Stampa Ticino SA
Via Industria
CH-6933 Muzzano
Receipt of goods: Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
(no later than 5 working days before the insertion date)
Furthermore, the technical specifications of Centro Stampa Ticino must be observed.