«Meet the Team»: Christina Hubbeling
Welcome to Christina Hubbeling 🥂 She has been a member of the NZZone crew since 4 January 2022, where she provides journalistic support to the now eight-member NZZ Content Creation team. From 2005 to 2021, she researched and wrote as a part-time editor for the «NZZ am Sonntag» in the «Lifestyle & Society» section. Her recipes from the «NZZ am Sonntag Magazin» and on «NZZ Bellevue» are legendary. Here you can find out what else makes Christina special on a personal level.

Apart from your current job: What job do you do so well that you would be paid for it?
My chocolate cake recipe is the best in the world. Even star pastry chef Pierre Hermé from Paris would probably pay a fortune for it. But I would still never give it away.
Is the glass half full or half empty for you?
Sometimes it is even empty when it is still full. But very often it is also completely full when it is actually empty. Because everything is a question of perspective. Basically, I am against complaining and believe that with a little creativity a suitable solution can be found for every problem. Thinking around corners is always worthwhile.
How did you get into media?
As a student I wrote film reviews for a student newspaper. That didn’t pay, but it gave me the opportunity to go to the cinema for free. After that I earned my spurs at a small local newspaper in central Switzerland.
What gives you new strength?
I go for a long walk in the woods with my dog practically every day. Nature allows me to recharge my batteries, sort out my thoughts and get away from the things that keep me busy or annoy me in everyday life.
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