«Meet the Team»: Denise Morach

Welcome back, Denise Morach! 🤩 Except for maternity leave she has been working continuously for us for the past twelve years. But now she is once again changing areas within the organisation and is leaving the back office to return to the outside sales area. On 1 September Denise took up a position as Key Account Manager and Product Manager once again, this time at NZZone and for the «NZZ am Sonntag Magazin». She previously held a similar position at NZZ Media Solutions where she was responsible for the magazine «Stil» from 2015 to 2017. If you haven’t yet met Denise in the back office or «at the sharp end», she reveals more about herself in the latest «Meet the Team». Multitasker Denise also has drive in her private life …

Is the glass half full or half empty for you?

The glass is always half full for me. I am a positive person with an optimistic outlook on life.

Besides your current job, what do you do so well that people would pay you for it?

The daily challenge of combining family and work has enabled me to develop valuable organisational and multitasking skills that are almost priceless in the open market.

Something personal about yourself?

I am a passionate car enthusiast. We own several vintage and classic cars which we regularly take out for a drive or take to various meetings in Switzerland.

What is your favourite NZZ product?

«NZZ Akzent». I listen to the podcast on my daily commute to work so that I am always up to date with the background to the most important global events. «NZZ Residence» is also a favourite of mine. I have been a regular reader of this magazine for over ten years and am always amazed by the impressive architecture, stylish interiors and inspirational living concepts.

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