Native Advertising: Find the differences
Content-driven advertising is not the same as content-driven advertising. This is what distinguishes a sponsored content from an advertorial or promoted content – not just the «look & feel».

«With a focus on content marketing and special interest, we are proactively shaping the future of brand advertising», is one of the promises of NZZone as the marketing organisation of the NZZ Group. In addition to classic native advertising without reference to the originator, with sponsored content we offer a self-created, cross-media exclusivity that goes further in terms of content and appearance but adheres to clear rules – and therefore also has its reward. Sponsored content is created exclusively by NZZ Content Creation, our service provider for journalistic storytelling.
Sponsored content in printed form is content-driven advertising in the «look & feel» of the carrier medium presented as an article which must meet high quality standards. Advertorials – also called online promoted content – on the other hand may not be designed in the layout of the relevant carrier medium, and fonts and columns may not be copied. Generally, such text advertisements are supplied by customers in finished form.
We attach importance to making advertising which appears in article form easily recognisable by clearly marking the article as advertising. In print versions the header clearly states that sponsored content is advertising. The mandatory Guidelines for this are integrated as a QR code. On text pages of this nature, we specify the customer both in the header and in the footer, there additionally highlighted in colour – the same applies to the QR code
On, too, the lifestyle portal NZZ Bellevue or KMU_today, sponsored content is published in the «look & feel» of the carrier medium and presented as an article that must meet high quality standards. Promoted content – also referred to in print as «advertorials» – consists of text advertisements which are supplied to us and for which the client alone is responsible. These are not displayed via infeed teasers on the start page, but via regular advertising spaces.
Stories and their teasers marked «sponsored content», «promoted content» or «sponsored topic» are paid content. This online advertising, called «native advertising» in the form of an article adapts its design to the platform on which it is displayed. Both sponsored content and promoted content have their own URL structure. Every item of paid content refers the reader to our mandatory Guidelines.
And as befits a cross-media offer, it can be combined at will. In the print sector, the following titles are available for selection: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, NZZ am Sonntag, NZZ am Sonntag Magazin, Z, NZZ Folio and NZZ Residence. The digital channels are:, NZZ Bellevue and KMU_today. And the big package advantage: You only pay for the costs of content creation once – no matter how many carrier media you combine.
Any questions? Our Sales Team will be happy to tell you more!
On behalf of the entire NZZone crew

Norman Bandi
Head of NZZ Content Creation