NZZ enjoys enthusiastic loyalty among its readers
WEMF AG für Werbemedienforschung (Switzerland’s premium organisation for advertising media research) has published its latest findings on newspaper and magazine readership. Viewed overall, the NZZ reaches 243 000 readers and the «NZZ am Sonntag» 343 000 readers in both German and French-speaking Switzerland. The current figures show that the trend of recent years has continued and that the print versions of the NZZ Group’s newspapers are perceived by their readers as a pre-eminent medium of Switzerland.

The findings of the MACH Basic 2023-2 study undertaken by WEMF are based on approximately 30 000 interviews conducted between April 2021 and March 2023. The study maps the reach of the media it surveyed and also includes, among other things, information on the readership’s interests and inclinations.
The NZZ Group’s newspapers are not only highly valued by readers, but also closely scrutinised. In the «Sunday Press» category, no other newspaper is read for longer than the «NZZ am Sonntag», with readers spending an average of 51,3 minutes with it. And in the «Daily Press» category, the average «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» reader devotes 42,3 minutes to the NZZ – longer than readers of any other newspaper.
The survey also highlights the fact that the readers of both titles are characterised by above-average education, high income and significant purchasing power. In the «Daily Press» and the «Sunday Press» categories, the NZZ and the «NZZ am Sonntag» are the newspapers of choice among readers with total assets of CHF 1 million and more.
The readership of the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» and the «NZZ am Sonntag» also admits to a willingness to spend CHF 5 000 or more on watches and jewellery. Their holiday budgets also exceed a spend of CHF 15 000 per year. According to the study, readers of the NZZ and the «NZZ am Sonntag» exhibit the greatest interest in art and culture as well as stock market-related topics, investments and financial markets.
Adrian Näf, Business Director of NZZone, is delighted with the results of the study: «Thanks to the information on interests and inclinations, we know that our readers have an above-average disposition to buy, are interested in top-of-the-range watches, jewellery and holidays as well as in financial matters. This enables us to offer our advertising partners an ideal platform so that they can position their message in a prosperous environment populated by their target audience.»
NZZ Corporate Communications
+41 44 258 17 72