Readers of the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» often take out insurance against risks. They therefore have a high affinity of 265 when it comes to private insurance.


of people who read the «NZZ am Sonntag» have a university degree.


of the «NZZ am Sonntag» readership eat a balanced diet for the sake of their health.


of «Le Temps» readers think it is important to be insured for all eventualities.

Source: MACH Consumer 2024 / MACH BASIC 2024-2
Affinity = index for target group proximity. An index of 120 means that the proportion of the target group in the medium in question is 20% higher than in the population as a whole.


You will find the right sort of environments for your products and services here as well as placements to suit your needs. You have a wide range of options – from classic insertions to customised approaches. And all this in the familiar national premium universe. Let us inspire you!

Further education special

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

With a lot of proximity, lively, questioning and enriching: These are our further education specials – in the best NZZ implementation for all those who want to position themselves in the education sector.

Education special

NZZ am Sonntag

«Education» is a central topic for the «NZZ am Sonntag», for you too? Reach a target group with a high level of education with this special.

Medicine & Health special

NZZ am Sonntag

Health is one of a person’s greatest assets. This is precisely why we place a special focus on this – as always, reliable and well-researched. Are medicine and health also your core area?

Work & Education special

Le Temps

A functioning labour market depends on a good education system. The interplay between these two topics is scrutinised more closely in the quarterly special.

Medicine & Health special

Le Temps

The «Medicine & Health» special provides tips for a healthy lifestyle and is also published twice a year in French – as always, well-researched and informative. Do you want to be part of it?

Special pages – Lundi Finance Pharma

Le Temps

On the last Monday of every month, special attention is paid to finance – with a unique focus on the topic of «Pharma». If this also corresponds to your brand, it could be a good fit.

Key topics

NZZ Folio

With topics such as «Rich and happy?», «Planned children» and «Newcomers», the high-quality magazine offers a special reading experience for an open-minded and quality-conscious target group.

Key topics

NZZ Geschichte

History affects us all: it has shaped the world in which we now live. That’s exactly why this magazine is exciting for you. What’s special about that? The content never goes out of date and the editions are real collectors’ items.



Life happens in the online «Society» section. Whether «education», «insurance», «pharma» or «health», this is where we look at your topic: an ideal place for your advertising message.

Special interest newsletter

NZZ Bellevue

Newsletters that focus on a specific topic are highly valued by recipients. Does the topic of «Concierge» also arouse your interest?


NZZ Live

In this format, NZZ editors discuss socially relevant topics with guests of all opinions and origins. Just the thing for you if you want to give a topic an exclusive platform!

Future atelier

NZZ Live

Young thought leaders with visions for the future are the focus of this event. What vision would you like to convey to an interested audience at a customised event?


NZZ Live

This format provides insights into the lives of successful personalities or NZZ correspondents. Benefit from the positive reputation through the connection with the leading medium.

60 minutes

NZZ Live

The focus is on important topics and trends that concern the Swiss population. Would you like to position your brand as a pioneer in the «healthcare», «education», «pharma» or «insurance» sector?


NZZ Live

Do you want to bring your brand to life and gain access to exclusive encounters with like-minded people? In this format, NZZ editors take participants to inspiring places.


NZZ Connect

«FutureHealth», the conference for decision-makers and change-makers in the healthcare industry, takes place in Basel and Lausanne. Will your brand be represented next time?


Andrew Schuster

International Sales Manager
+41 44 258 12 63

Let’s start your campaign together!