Pricing 2022
Our prices for advertisements remain unchanged from 2021 but we have reduced our prices for pre-printed inserts.
According to WEMF we have lost readers. But on closer inspection of the figures it quickly becomes apparent that the losses are primarily in two target groups, both of which are far removed from the target groups relevant to NZZ advertising as the losses are among 14 to 19 year-olds and the over 80s. The NZZ reductions are 33% among 14 to 19 year olds and 10% among the over 80s; the falls at the NZZaS are 21% and 14% respectively. – In other target groups, which are significantly more relevant for your campaign planning, the picture is quite different: In the daily edition, we have increased the affinity index by 10 points in the target group with a household income of Fr. 10,000 to Fr. 14,999. As for the target group with a household income of over CHF 15,000, we have slightly increased the number of readers of the «NZZ am Sonntag» (up 1,000) and the affinity has also risen correspondingly to 283, an absolute top performance!
Pre-printed inserts
In this case the circulation forms the starting point and thus represents something more concrete. Since the circulation is declining, we are adjusting our prices. Our goal is to be able to offer you a consistent CPM. Thus, depending on the title and grammage, the gross prices fall between Fr. 1500.00 and Fr. 4000.00. And there is more good news: For a modest additional investment, pre-printed inserts can in future also be integrated into the e-paper at a very attractive CPM and with an interesting increase in reach – the e-paper circulation figures of the NZZ are 20,879, and 12,463 at the NZZaS.
We can also offer you the prospect of one or more new cross-channel marketing combinations in which we will work with attractive conditions for the print positions.
It is still almost two months until the New Year, but we are already eagerly looking forward to a successful partnership with you in 2022.

Adrian Näf
Business Director NZZone