One of the media websites in Switzerland with the highest reach
nzz.ch is the digital platform of «Neuen Zürcher Zeitung» and has the highest following nationwide in the Leader» and «Top-Leader» target groups – online advertising is correspondingly pin-pointed.
nzz.ch is one of the media websites in Switzerland with the highest reach. The digital platform of «Neuen Zürcher Zeitung» is committed to credible, well-founded, up-to-the-minute news and information, and it also has the largest following nationwide in the «Leader» and «Top-Leader» target groups. The online editorial team covers international, national and regional events round the clock with accurate and detailed reports. NZZ’s network of correspondents, unique in the German-speaking world, guarantees its discerning, premium segment readership daily event-driven news and reports, intelligent analyses or trenchant commentaries.
Place your online advertisement on nzz.ch and benefit from the excellent image of our top brand.
Media data

Unique Visitors / month
3.5 Mio

Visits / month
8 Mio

Page Impressions / month
22.4 Mio
Our Key Account Manager will be happy to assist you.
Andrew Schuster
International Sales Manager
+41 44 258 12 63

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