National Premium Marketing
We also speak French and Italian
In addition to the already well-known print titles «Le Temps» and «Corriere del Ticino», which you can select as individual items or in combination, we also offer digital advertising formats and content opportunities in cooperation with audienzz.

Content-driven advertising in the «look & feel» of our carrier media
Thanks to the strategic partnership, we can now offer our cross-media formats in French as well as Italian in versions identical to those already familiar to our German-speaking clientele.

This provides you with the following advantages:
- Unique content creation from a single source
- Professional translation into French and Italian
- Publication on six channels

Joint supplements in NZZ and «Le Temps»
In 2023 we already offer more than 20 supplements dedicated to specific subjects that are published in German in the NZZ titles and in French in «Le Temps». In addition to several different financial topics, these supplements also cover tourism, indulgence, entrepreneurship and sustainability.
This provides you with the following advantages:
- Advertisers can position themselves within a specific topic area in German-speaking as well as French-speaking Switzerland with just one booking
- High quality standard that runs through all media titles and across all languages but still leaves room to address the various titles in a way that is appropriate to the target group
Our Key Account Manager will be happy to assist you.
Andrew Schuster
International Sales Manager
+41 44 258 12 63