Sponsor NZZ Live and lift your corporate profile
In the «NZZ Live» events the editorial staff of NZZ invite their readers to become involved in interesting and up to the minute topics during discussions, interviews, walks or enjoyable evening functions during which everyone attending these events has the possibility of meeting fascinating people, renowned experts and experienced NZZ editors as well as the opportunity to explore hidden depths, shed light on previously unfamiliar backgrounds and extend their horizons.

The Swiss Life Insurance Company Pax has sponsored two «NZZ Live» events each year since 2020. Seven events have already been successfully completed with Pax with the theme of «Investment live». Past events have focussed on the subjects of retirement pensions, insurance, pillar 3a, real estate and mortgages. As a sponsor, Pax is not only involved in the selection of topics but also benefits from NZZ’s well-established reputation for credibility, all of which enables the sponsor to significantly raise its profile in a variety of NZZ channels.
One highlight of this cooperation was the event dedicated to «money in partnerships». As the subject attracted a great deal of attention among readers, our partner was integrated into a miniclip of the event which was shared on NZZ’s Instagram channel as Reel and Story This appearance on social media generated an additional 80,000 views.
From print to digital: The cross-media advertising at this event increased the sponsor’s profile with about 1.3 million gross contacts. The event was publicised in advance and subsequent coverage ensured that interested readers were also reached even after the event.
Pax can also benefit from its involvement in the «NZZ Live» events: the company can propose experts to speak about relevant topics and in this way be part of the discussion. This enables Pax to demonstrate its know-how about the subject and play an active part in shaping the discussions and events.

«Our collaboration with NZZ Live was a real benefit to us as a pension-provider. The use of this platform enabled us to highlight some important and up-to-the-minute subjects relating to pensions from many different perspectives and enhance the understanding of our company among clients and our target group. Thanks to the convincing presentation of what we offer, we were able to position ourselves as a reliable pension-provider.»
Heidi Reimold, Sponsoring & Events Pax
The benefits at a glance:
- Deciding on the theme of the event in consultation with the NZZ editorial team¹
- The partner can nominate the panelists for the event¹
- Cross-media advertising incl. partner presence at the event
- Advertisement in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» and «NZZ am Sonntag»
- Multi-device-banner on nzz.ch
- Briefing-newsletter with ad-integration
- NZZ-LinkedIn-event
- NZZ-Facebook-event
- Promotion on NZZ social-media-channels¹
- On-site presence during and around the event
- Live streaming for an unrestricted number of viewers and a video recording
- The option of offering an aperitif to all participants after the event
- Subsequent coverage of the event on nzz.ch
- A miniclip of the event as «Reel and Story» on NZZ’s Instagram channel with partner integration¹
Are you interested and do you want to give a platform to an exciting topic? Jessica Mackowiak is looking forward to hearing from you.
¹The thematic design of the event, the panellists and social media posts are at the discretion of the editorial team.