Cover last issues

Asset management

Focus in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» and in «Le Temps», digitally extended on and

Publication dates
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»: Friday, 6 September 2024
«Le Temps»: Friday, 27 September 2024
Advertising deadline
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»: Wednesday, 28 August 2024
«Le Temps»: Tuesday, 17 September 2024
Print material deadline
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»: Friday, 30 August 2024
«Le Temps»: Friday, 20 September 2024

Journalistic concept

Inheriting and transferring assets

The annual focus on «Asset management» is realised by NZZ Content Creation with the support of renowned specialist journalists. Once again, the readers of the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» will be scrutinising a specific topic – this time: Inheriting and transferring assets. The Juso inheritance tax initiative is already making rich private individuals and entrepreneurs sweat. Other topical issues are also on the editorial agenda (see «Possible content» below).

Experts have their say in the journalistically independent content. However, companies and organisations can write their own guest contributions. Highlights in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» or in the «NZZ am Sonntag» are not the work of the editorial team, but of our in-house service provider for journalistic storytelling: NZZ Content Creation.

Potential subjects

  • Exclusive study: How are financial service providers perceived by the public?
  • Customer loyalty: You don’t change your asset manager – is that still true today?
  • Report Switzerland: How are the approximately 2 000 independent asset managers doing?
  • A look into the future: What could the Swiss industry look like in 2030?
  • Account management fees: How many of the 240 or so banks no longer require them?
  • Inheritance tax initiative: What do financial experts say about the explosive power of the proposal?
  • Family Offices: What does the Juso proposal mean for the country’s super-rich?
  • Transfer abroad: What are the advantages and disadvantages of a wealth transfer?
  • Transfer of assets: What are the children of baby boomers doing with their money?
  • Hybrid models: Are they really customised, cost-effective and transparent?
  • By women for women: Do we need gender-specific asset management?
  • From hype to flop: NFTs, cannabis stocks, cryptocurrencies – what’s going wrong?

Subject to change

Classic advertisement

Price bw/coloured
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»

Type area
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»

Price bw/coloured
«Le Temps»

Type area
«Le Temps»

Gruppe 214

1/1 page

CHF 19 500

291 × 440 mm

CHF 13 500

290 × 440 mm

Gruppe 213

1/2 Seite landscape, next to text

CHF 17 000

291 × 218 mm

CHF 11 700

290 × 220 mm

Gruppe 197

1/3 page landscape, next to text

CHF 12 100

291 × 144 mm

CHF 8 900

290 × 150 mm

Advertisements: classic advertisement using print material produced by the customer; without extension in digital form (additional formats on request)

Digital extended

Price bw/coloured
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»

Price bw/coloured
«Le Temps»

Text volume

Gruppe 214

1/1 page

CHF 19 500
+CHF 2 000 production

CHF 13 500
+CHF 2 000 production

max. 6 000 characters

Gruppe 213

1/2 Seite landscape, next to text

CHF 17 000
+CHF 1 000 production

CHF 11 700
+CHF 1 000 production

max. 3 000 characters

Gastbeitrag I: Content supplied; edited and laid out by NZZ Content Creation; inc. proof-reading but exc. image material; the article will also appear in the dossier on
Translation fees 1/1 page CHF 1 500 or 1/2 page CHF 800.

Digital extended

Price bw/coloured
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»

Price bw/coloured
«Le Temps»

Text volume

Gruppe 214

1/1 page

CHF 19 500
+CHF  4 000 production

CHF 13 500
+CHF 4 000 production

max. 6 000 characters

Gruppe 213

1/2 Seite landscape, next to text

CHF 17 000
+CHF 2 000 production

CHF 11 700
+CHF 2 000 production

max. 3 000 characters

Guest article II: Content researched and written on behalf of the customer by NZZ Content Creation; inc. proof-reading but exc. image material; the article will also appear in the dossier on
Translation fees 1/1 page CHF 1 500 or 1/2 page CHF 800.

Article placed in newsletter «NZZ Wirtschaft & Finanzen»
Published MO-SA, can be booked on a weekly basis (124 067+ circulation)

CHF 10 000

Article placed in newsletter «Schwerpunkt Wirtschaft» of «Le Temps»
Published MO-FR, can be booked on a daily basis (21 000+ circulation)

CHF 2 500

Artikel-Boost via NZZ click and social media (3000+ Engagements)

CHF 5 000

All rates in Swiss Francs, exc. 8.1% VAT


Unser Sales-Team nimmt deine Anfrage gerne entgegen.

Andrew Schuster
International Sales Manager, Product Manager «Z»

+41 44 258 12 63


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