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KMU today II

Publisher’s supplement in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» and in «Le Temps», digitally extended on

Publication dates
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»: Friday, 30 August 2024
«Le Temps»: Friday, 13 September 2024
Advertising deadline
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»: Wednesday, 21 August 2024
«Le Temps»: Tuesday, 3 September 2024
Print material deadline
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»: Friday, 23 August 2024
«Le Temps»: Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Journalistic concept

In its twice-yearly NZZ Publisher’s Supplement «KMU today», the NZZ Content Creation team focuses on a topic that is «essential for the survival» of small and medium-sized enterprises. In this edition we take a close look at company formation and business plan (see possible topics below). The obligatory industry report is also a must. The Supplement also provides the latest news and information.

Professionals will not be the only ones interviewed for the articles. Companies or their experts can reach for their keyboards themselves or have others write about them. Publisher’s supplements in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» are not the work of the editorial staff but of our service-provider in the field of journalistic storytelling: NZZ Content Creation.

Potential subjects

  • Finding information – What does a successful SME need?
  • Determining legal form – GmbH, AG, sole proprietorship or …
  • Founding a company I – 1×1 of the startup organisation
  • Founding a company II – 1×1 of startup financing
  • Defining a business plan – All part of the strategy
  • Inspiring examples – From the idea to the business model
  • Ensuring survival – Raising capital -the alternatives
  • Properly insured – The most important insurance policies for SMEs

Subject to change

Classic advertisement

Price bw/coloured
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»

Type area
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»

Price bw/coloured
«Le Temps»

Type area
«Le Temps»

Gruppe 214

1/1 page

CHF 19 500

291 × 440 mm

CHF 13 500

290 × 440 mm

Gruppe 213

1/2 Seite landscape, next to text

CHF 17 000

291 × 218 mm

CHF 11 700

290 × 220 mm

Gruppe 197

1/3 page landscape, next to text

CHF 12 100

291 × 144 mm

CHF 8 900

290 × 150 mm

Advertisements: classic advertisement using print material produced by the customer; without extension in digital form (additional formats on request)

Digitally extended

Price bw/coloured
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»

Price bw/coloured
«Le Temps»

Text volume

Gruppe 214

1/1 page

CHF 19 500
+CHF 2 000 production

CHF 13 500
+CHF 2 000 production

max. 6 000 characters

Gruppe 213

1/2 Seite landscape, next to text

CHF 17 000
+CHF 1 000 production

CHF 11 700
+ 1 000 production

max. 3 000 characters

Guest article I: Content supplied, edited and laid out by NZZ Content Creation; incl. proofreading, excl. images; article also appears on KMU_today marked as Promoted Content.
Translation fees 1/1 page CHF 1 500 or 1/2 page CHF 800.

Digitally extended

Price bw/coloured
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»

Price bw/coloured
«Le Temps»

Text volume

Gruppe 214

1/1 page

CHF 19 500
+CHF 4 000 production

CHF 13 500
+CHF 4 000 production

max. 6 000 characters

Gruppe 213

1/2 Seite landscape, next to text

CHF 17 000
+CHF 2 000 production

CHF 11 700
+CHF 2 000 production

max. 3 000 characters

Guest article II: Content researched and written on behalf of the customer by NZZ Content Creation; inc. proof-reading but exc. image material; the article will also appear on KMU_today marked as Sponsored Content.
Translation fees 1/1 page CHF 1 500 or 1/2 page CHF 800.

Exclusive for SME**

Price bw/coloured
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»

Type area
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»

Price bw/coloured
«Le Temps»*

Type area
«Le Temps»

Gruppe 211

1/4 page portrait

CHF 3 050

143 × 218 mm

CHF 1 485

143 × 220 mm

Collective pages: Public report with supplied content, produced by us; *exclusive for SMEs up to a maximum of 50 employees
*Price «Le Temps» for extension to French-speaking Switzerland

Article placed in newsletter «KMU_today»: Published on the first and third FR of each month, can be booked on a monthly basis (261 000+ recipients)

CHF 5 000

Artikel-Boost via NZZ click and social media (3000+ Engagements)

CHF 5 000

All rates gross, exc. 8.1% VAT


Our Key Account Manager will be happy to assist you.

Andrew Schuster
International Sales Manager

+41 44 258 12 63


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