Cover last issue
Further education II
Focus in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung», digital extended on nzz.ch
Publication date
Wednesday, 20 November 2024
Advertising deadline
Wednesday, 6 November 2024
Print material deadline
Wednesday, 13 November 2024
Journalistic concept
Fit for the future
The half-yearly focus «Further education» is curated, conceived and produced by the editorial team,with the support of eminent specialist journalists. This time, the focus is on the future: How can we make ourselves fit for the professional challenges of tomorrow? Which abilities and skills will be increasingly in demand on the labour market? We present the sectors and professions of the future, report on companies with innovative training concepts and compare digital learning programmes.
Experts have their say in the journalistically independent content. However, companies and organisations can write their own guest contributions. Focus editions in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» or in the «NZZ am Sonntag» are not the work of the editorial team, but of our in-house service provider for journalistic storytelling: NZZ Content Creation.
Potential subjects:
- Formation continue 4.0: les compétences et aptitudes essentielles pour le monde du travail numérique de demain
- IA: l’intelligence artificielle ouvre de nouvelles perspectives professionnelles et de carrière
- Entreprises: une main-d’œuvre bien formée, un avantage concurrentiel durable
- Mise à niveau de sa propre personnalité: progresser avec des offres de coaching et de formation continue
- Baromètre de l’avenir: ces secteurs et professions prennent de l’importance
- C’est la méthode qui compte: les programmes d’apprentissage orientés vers l’avenir utilisent les connaissances de la recherche sur le cerveau.
- Apprentissage mobile: l’apprentissage avec une tablette ou un smartphone ne dépend ni du lieu ni de l’heure.
- Médias numériques: les formations vidéo, les formations en réseau, les webinaires et la réalité virtuelle vont de plus en plus dominer et modifier l’apprentissage au travail.
- Bonne pratique: Comment les entreprises suisses encouragent une culture d’apprentissage continu. Mot-clé: organisations apprenantes
- Le top 10 des fournisseurs: les principales institutions de formation continue en Suisse et leurs formules de réussite
- Label de qualité: de nombreux prestataires de formation continue se font certifier. Mais à quoi correspondent exactement les labels?
Subject to change
Classic advertisement
Price bw/coloured
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»
Type area
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»

1/1 page
CHF 19 500
291 × 440 mm

1/2 page landscape
1/2 page landscape, next to text
CHF 11 700
CHF 17 000
291 × 218 mm
291 × 218 mm

1/3 page landscape, next to text
CHF 12 100
291 × 144 mm

1/4 page landscape, next to text
CHF 10 200
291 × 108 mm

1/4 page portrait
CHF 6 100
143 x 218 mm

1/8 page landscape, next to text
CHF 4 900
291 × 53 mm

Junior page
CHF 18 700
172 x 236 mm
Advertisements: classic advertisement using print material produced by the customer; without extension in digital form (additional formats on request)
Millimetre rates
Next to text
Adverising panel
CHF 5.60
CHF 9.30
CHF 38.40
Digitally extended
Price bw/coloured
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»
Text volume

1/1 page
CHF 19 500
+CHF 2 000 production
max. 6 000 characters

1/2 Seite landscape, next to text
CHF 17 000
+CHF 1 000 production
max. 3 000 characters
Guest article I: Content supplied; edited and laid out by NZZ Content Creation; inc. proof-reading but exc. image material; the article will also appear in the dossier on nzz.ch.
Digitally extended
Price bw/coloured
«Neue Zürcher Zeitung»
Text volume

1/1 page
CHF 19 500
+CHF 4 000 production
max. 6 000 characters

1/2 Seite landscape, next to text
CHF 17 000
+CHF 2 000 production
max. 3 000 characters
Guest article II: Content researched and written on behalf of the customer by NZZ Content Creation; inc. proof-reading but exc. image material; the article will also appear in the dossier on nzz.ch.
All rates in Swiss Francs, exc. 8.1% VAT
Our Key Account Manager will be happy to assist you.
Andrew Schuster
International Sales Manager
+41 44 258 12 63

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